It' Time.      Review by Tom McMahon
Michael Morwood

Theology in a contemporary worldview
The title says it all. Michael Morwood ‘s new book IT’ S TIME is a winner as he speaks to a wide spiritual audience while delivering a well written work that is easy to read and full of useful wisdom. Michael has a questioning purpose as he offers keen insights into contemporary issues that are fundamental to understanding a Jesus appreciation of his God and the earthy spiritual kingdom of his Abba/Father.
Throughout Morwood reasons from a position of the “Mystery of God present to and continuously loving all creation” with Jesus as our human brother who leads us to earthy salvation. This is not pie in the sky spiritual thinking that I read as the author recreates the vision of the historical Jesus who by his teachings and life style has moved beyond an “elsewhere god” while clearly “ proclaiming the Divine Presence “always here , always and everywhere active in an expanding universe and in the evolution of life on this planet”. The author’s emphasis is dominant throughout, best said in this quote….“His (Jesus ) focus was on this world , this life , and how we must give the best possible human expression in the Divine here, now “
In his short 167 pages I count seven major doctrines that Michael presents for dialogue, topics that have been for years on the top of my list for currant reexamination .These teachings were poorly handled in my 1950’s seminary training, mainly due to Pius the tenth’s 1911 Oath against Modernism in which Pius threatened excommunication to any priest who taught anything new. (Pius is the pope who condemned railroad locomotives as instruments of the devil and who had himself declared infallible) . Each of these doctrines has played a vital role in the study of the church of my youth which came under close scrutiny by way of Vatican Two.
Using scripture and logic skillfully, Michael carefully calls into question the outdated notion of a sky Divine Presence. He continues on , challenging the Incarnation and promoting Jesus as the human expression of the intimate Presence in creation , Paul’s Christology and the baptism of Jesus , the Break from Judaism , Holy Thursday as a Jewish celebration , Good Friday ( Roman 4.25) and Paul’s transforming Jesus into a semi-god acceptable to the Greek-Roman world , and the unreality of the doctrines of Mary. The unreality of these teachings have separated our Creator from creation, depriving humans of the joy and intimacy of God’s love. Morwood offers sound theological thinking as he frees a reader from having to believe in the unbelievable.
The Resurrection and the Cosmic Christ belong in the above paragraph Yet I give them separate space as unique and vital, demanding lengthy and special attention in community dialogue. All of Morwood’s encounters deserve open and healthy study yet what is meant by Jesus rising from the dead and his role in our daily lives merit immediate and close attention if Christianity is to be relevant in today’s society.
I have two regrets as I read IT’S TIME, one that as a slow careful reader I read the book in a short period so as to accommodate this report to Catholica, and the second that I read it alone. IT’S TIME is a gift to any person who is interested in religion and spirituality in our futuristic age. I am going to buy ten copies with the intention of forming weekend study groups to not only read but to dialogue over each chapter. I recommend IT’S TIME as a community builder, its dividends promising to be priceless.
This writer Tom has read all of Michael Morwood’s books and finds IT’S TIME to be his best. IT’S TIME has arrived amidst much crisis and offers intelligent information that can bring about peace of mind. As a book written to be read by the laity IT'S TIME makes good spiritual sense. Hopefully our new pope will get hold of a copy.
Tom McMahon , married with two sons and five grandchildren is a retired therapist who was ordained a roman priest in 1954 ; Tom served the people of God in the Archdiocese of San Francisco for 26 years . Reordained by a People of God to educate the Community of Jesus Our Brother ( JOB ) , Tom has been a member of the Community for the past 33 years. Tom is a regular contributor to Catholica.
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